Designing A Design Project

Dr. Martin Pike
1998 Annual Conference Proceedings   unpublished
With the current stress on incorporating design throughout the curriculum, many courses that have in the past lacked a design component are being altered to include one or more design experiences. Some courses, specifically upper division, are easier to incorporate design projects because of the knowledge and maturity level of the students. Creating good design projects for lower division courses tends to be more difficult because of the limited knowledge and skill base of the students, lower
more » ... turity level and typically over full schedules to cover all required topics. This paper will discuss techniques and suggestions on how to design a good design project with a stress on the lower division courses. Included will be a short discussion of using the ABET design criteria and choosing which aspects of the criteria should be present in a given design project. Following will be suggestions of other qualities that make good design projects such as creating open ended projects, reporting requirements, project definition hints, and designing the project for "easy" grading and evaluation.
doi:10.18260/1-2--7023 fatcat:f5rw72g76rdotattyigrdv2hgq