Hypnotic hazards: adverse effects of zolpidem and other z-drugs

LG Olsen
2008 Australian Prescriber  
Zolpidem, zopiclone and zaleplon are hypnotics with similar pharmacology to benzodiazepines. In addition to the usual adverse effects of sedative drugs, there have been unusual reactions associated with the 'z-drugs', particularly zolpidem. It is unclear why there have been so many reports of bizarre behaviour in Australians taking zolpidem. Some of the cases may be the result of other conditions or drugs. As many patients with insomnia can be managed without drugs, limiting the use of hypnotics will limit any harmful effects.
doi:10.18773/austprescr.2008.084 fatcat:332zk552v5dn5d3hv4xape3qua