Finite-element time-domain beam propagation method with perfectly matched layer for electron waveguide simulations

Hitoshi Gotoh, Masanori Koshiba, Yasuhide Tsuji
2011 IEICE Electronics Express  
A finite-element time-domain beam propagation method is described for the solution of electron waveguide discontinuities. Scattering properties in steady state are evaluated with Fourier transform of a pulsed wave in time domain. A perfectly-matched-layer boundary condition is implemented into the electron waveguide simulations. The approach is applied to an electron resonant cavity, and it is confirmed that when treating a slowly varying electron wave function, the converged solution can be obtained with moderate time step size.
doi:10.1587/elex.8.1361 fatcat:wpzgurr6mbgs7gq47r2k3dcooi