From Classroom to Boardroom: How International Marketing Students Earn Their Way to Experiential Learning Opportunities, and the Case of the "Beyond Borders of a Classroom" Program

Sylvain Charlebois
2009 International Journal of Education  
Many marketing instructors recognize the challenge of conveying to students the realities of international marketing within the classroom. In 2004, a Faculty of Business designed a partnership between stakeholders known as "Beyond borders of a classroom". This program offers a unique experiential learning opportunity for undergraduate students majoring in marketing. The program is comprised of two successive semesters. Semester 1 is a fusion of a live case competition and a client-based
more » ... Semester 2 is an exclusive, applied overseas internship experience. At the end of Semester 1, a group of students selected by a panel of practitioners and academics is offered an opportunity to travel to the specified country in Semester 2, and to apply the theories learned beforehand. All expenses are paid for by the program. Only students who win the competition in Semester 1 move to the advanced international marketing class in Semester 2. The program has sent students to the U.S., China, Australia and Ukraine. While student satisfaction is high, the program faces some challenges. Some recommendations are presented.
doi:10.5296/ije.v1i1.199 fatcat:z7ndrbpsfvcz3fez4jofwvjbfq