Optimum contribution selection using differential evolution

Roberto Carvalheiro, Sandra Aidar de Queiroz, Brian Kinghorn
2010 Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia  
A program to determine optimum contribution selection using differential evolution was developed. The objective function to be optimized was composed by the expected merit of the future progeny and the coancestry among selected parents. Simulated and real datasets of populations with overlapping generations were used to validate and test the performance of the program. The program was computationally efficient and feasible for practical applications. The expected consequences of using the
more » ... m, in contrast to empirical procedures to control inbreeding and/or to selection based exclusively on expected genetic merit, would be the improvement of the selection response and a more effective control of inbreeding.
doi:10.1590/s1516-35982010000700005 fatcat:x4twcdldrbfhrlp7rvbt6w4hoi