Scent in Mail: The Effect of Scented Direct Mailings

Martin Amsteus, Vidar Hwang .
2015 Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies  
The purpose of the present study is to test the effect of scent on response time and sales in direct mailings. It is proposed that congruent scent influences response time and sales in direct mailings. A total of 1571 direct mailings were sent out.The hypotheses were tested through a Mann-Whitney U test and a Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The results show that scent influences response time to direct mailings but that it does not influence sales.Future research should perform exploratory studies
more » ... test the effect of scent with regard to various forms of direct marketing and offerings as well as in general product and service contexts. Managers may want to consider scenting direct mailings when a fast response is critical. The result provides empirical support for the idea that scent has an effect on response time in direct mailings.
doi:10.22610/jebs.v7i6(j).615 fatcat:slm3tjprbjav5l7zwgrsie6x3a