Inversion of the Uterus, with Adhesion of Placenta

1858 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
Is it probable that a similar condition of the spinal marrow was obtained by the injury, in my patient, that was present in the case of the guinea pig ? A case of imperforate anus and rectum came under my observation last year, in this place, in consultation. A slightly wrinkled depression was perceptible where the anus should be, and, on straining, the distended bowel could be felt pushing downward. An incision was made, and the rectum reached, within about an inch of the external opening. A
more » ... m-elastic tube was introduced, and free fascal discharges obtained. The child died when about a week old. No autopsy. Permit me to add a word with regard to the subject of injecting the uterine cavity with a solution of caustic potash. I can state, from reliable authority, that Dr. Dixi Crosby, Prof, of Surgery in Dartmouth College, has injected the uterus with a solution of caustic potash in two cases of malignant disease. In one case the inflammation obtained entirely closed the uterus, hermetically sealed the month and neck, and the lady perfectly recovered. In the other case, the patient got better and went about, but died about a year afterward. Both cases were, of course, subsequent to the cessation of menstruation. Queechy, Vt., Dec. 29th, 1857. INVERSION OF THE UTERUS, WITH ADHESION OF PLACENTA [Communicated for the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.] Messrs. Editors,-The following case was of interest to me, and may prove so to some of the numerous readers of the Journal. You are at liberty to dispose of it as you please. Yours truly, Dorchester, Mass., Dec. 28t Dorchester, Mass., Dec. 28th, 1857. Mrs. -, aged 21 years, of delicate constitution, advanced five and a half months in her first pregnancy, after a ride in a coach was attacked with slight pain in the back and loins. Soon after the pains commenced, she discovered a haemorrhage from the vagina. She continued flowing slightly all night. The next morning I visited her, and found, on examination, the mouth of the uterus dilated to the size of a shilling. Ordered rest in the longitudinal position, cold applications over the hypogastrium, low diet and the following mixture internally: R. Ex. kino, fl. § iv. ; acid. sulph. aromat., 3 ij. M. A dessert spoonful once in four hours, until the flowing should cease. This succeeded admirably for three days, when an accident occurring to one of the family, by having an arm broken, she again began to have labor pains, which continued through the night. Early in the morning the, membranes burst. I saw her soon after,
doi:10.1056/nejm185801140572405 fatcat:n3z26c3gtfaghgalcm5jovhpiq