A Fast Progressive Image Sampling Using Lifting Scheme And Non-Uniform B-Splines

Siddavatam Rajesh, K. Sandeep, R.K. Mittal
2007 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics  
This paper proposes lifting scheme based a new fast algorithm for progressive image acquisition that enables an approximation of whole image at each step. The detail coefficients of second generation wavelets have been used to find the most significant samples. An image, which is considered here as the functions of Non-uniform B-splines over the Delaunay triangulation, is developed by using recursively obtained scattered data set of significant pixels. The efficiency of the present method is
more » ... wn and the visual qualities of the multiresolution images are compared with those obtained by other methods.
doi:10.1109/isie.2007.4374851 fatcat:7z7gy4dh6vel5bf6d5dumhvd6i