Peritoneal ultrafiltration for refractory fluid overload and ascites due to pulmonary arterial hypertension

Faeq Husain-Syed, María-Jimena Muciño-Bermejo, Claudio Ronco, Werner Seeger, Horst-Walter Birk
2015 Annals of Hepatology  
Pulmonary hypertension is a common finding in patients with advanced liver disease. Similarly, among patients with advanced pulmonary arterial hypertension, right heart failure leads to congestive hepatopathy. Diuretic resistant fluid overload in both advanced pulmonary hypertension and chronic liver disease is a demanding challenge for physicians. Venous congestion and ascites-induced increased intra-abdominal pressure are essential regarding recurrent hospitalization, morbidity and mortality.
more » ... Due to impaired rightventricular function, many patients cannot tolerate extracorporeal ultrafiltration. Peritoneal dialysis, a well-established, hemodynamically tolerated treatment for outpatients may be a good alternative to control fluid status. We present a patient with pulmonary arterial hypertension and congestive hepatopathy hospitalized for over 3 months due to ascites induced refractory volume overload treated with peritoneal ultrafiltration. We report the treatment benefits on fluid balance, cardiorenal and pulmonary function, as well as its safety. In conclusion, we report a case in which peritoneal ultrafiltration was an efficient treatment option for refractory ascites in patients with congestive hepatopathy.
doi:10.5604/16652681.1171786 pmid:26436367 fatcat:snxwfho6ifbetpjomlhhpbolqi