In situ effect of titanium tetrafluoride varnish on enamel demineralization

Adílis Kalina ALEXANDRIA, Camila NASSUR, Carolina Bezerra Cavalcanti NÓBREGA, Ana Maria Gondim VALENÇA, Pedro Luiz ROSALEN, Lucianne Cople MAIA
2017 Brazilian Oral Research  
The effect of a 4% titanium tetrafluoride (TiF 4 ) varnish on enamel demineralization was evaluated. Twelve volunteers participated in this double-blind, randomized crossover study. Six enamel specimens were positioned in intraoral appliances throughout four treatment stages: 4% TiF 4 varnish (experimental varnish), 5% sodium fluoride (NaF) varnish (Duraphat ® ), placebo varnish, and negative control (deionized water). After 24 h, the varnishes were removed and plaques were allowed to
more » ... . A 20% sucrose solution was dripped onto enamel blocks (10x/day). Enamel alterations were analyzed by surface microhardness (SMH), percentage of surface loss (%SML), cross-sectional microhardness (CSMH), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS). Student's paired t-test was used for SMH analysis and repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) for %SML and CSMH (∆Z) analyses (p-value=0.05). The TiF 4 varnish group had lower %SML than the placebo and control groups (p=0.044 and p=0.003, respectively), thus showing its capacity to inhibit surface demineralization. TiF 4 and NaF varnishes demonstrated a protective effect against mineral loss on the enamel subsurface. Both were statistically different from the control group when CSMH was analyzed (p=0.000). A titanium dioxide film was observed on enamel surfaces of the TiF 4 group SEM images. EDS confirmed the presence of titanium in all TiF 4 samples. The 4% TiF 4 varnish is a promising compound capable of reacting with enamel to protect it against surface and subsurface demineralization.
doi:10.1590/1807-3107bor-2017.vol31.0086 pmid:29116298 fatcat:lbh3ticfober5f3chkgu75u4ku