Dimensional regularization of Schrödinger Functional correlation functions

Eduardo Obeso
2005 Proceedings of XXIIIrd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LAT2005)   unpublished
The matching between Schrödinger Functional renormalization schemes and conventional perturbative schemes is usually done using an intermediate lattice scheme. We propose to do the matching directly. This requires the perturbative evaluation of Schrödinger Functional correlation functions in the continuum. We use dimensional regularization but due to the lack of translational invariance in the Euclidean time direction, we employ a general technique introduced by Lüscher. In this talk I describe
more » ... this technique and its application to the one-loop expansion of correlation functions used in the definition of the renormalized quark mass in the Schrödinger Functional scheme. The divergent parts are identified and the computation of finite parts is in progress.
doi:10.22323/1.020.0234 fatcat:qztk3k3yjrdjhaebptcr2tqsku