The antigen receptor on a human T cell line initiates activation by increasing cytoplasmic free calcium

J B Imboden, A Weiss, J D Stobo
1985 Journal of Immunology  
A monoclonal antibody to the antigen-receptor on the T cell line Jurkat induces substantial increases in [Ca++]i. Ca++ ionophores can substitute for this antibody in activation by increasing [Ca++]i to levels comparable with those seen with the antigen-receptor antibody. Stimulation with either the antigen-receptor antibody or a Ca++ ionophore leads to the appearance of the same phosphoproteins. These results suggest that the antigen-receptor initiates T cell activation by increasing [Ca++]i.
doi:10.4049/jimmunol.134.2.663 fatcat:72az2vdmvvbe7huvut5dynxbp4