Study to Explore the Effect and Thinking the Application of Chinese Painting in the Jade in the Professional Education

GuangZhao Yang
2016 Proceedings of 2016 5th International Conference on Social Science, Education and Humanities Research   unpublished
With the further development of the the socialist market economy in new period. Government also stressed the importance of traditional culture industry, jade caving is have the further development opportunists in new period ; this article choose Nanyang area as an example, studied the current situation of jade craving education , analysis the impact of Chinese painting in the jade casting craving and hoping to promotion the improved of Jade carving and processional jade craving education by
more » ... ide corresponding support and to promoting the improvement of local market and sustained and healthy development of jade.
doi:10.2991/ssehr-16.2016.92 fatcat:lrss2q3jnrembdhnlzi5vxqaiu