Socioeconomic development and young adults' propensity of living in one-person households: Compositional and contextual effects

Adam Ka-Lok Cheung, Wei-Jun Jean Yeung
2021 Demographic Research  
BACKGROUND The proportion of young adults living in one-person households (OPHs) has increased remarkably worldwide. Recent literature suggests that socioeconomic development established favorable conditions for individuals to live alone. Few studies have yet examined the complex relationship between contextual-level socioeconomic development, individual-level factors, and living in OPHs. CONTRIBUTION Our findings highlight the relative importance of internal migration over singlehood in
more » ... ing the concentration of OPHs in developed areas, which has important implications on the geographical patterns of OPHs among young adults.
doi:10.4054/demres.2021.44.11 fatcat:juefu3gcevg7vidjev7ehgnqd4