Photoemission of Cd(0001) Using Synchrotron Radiation

E. Sobczak, P.O. Nilsson, K. Karlsson
1992 Acta Physica Polonica. A  
Photoemission spectra for the Cd(0001) surface in the Γ-M azimuth were calculated using a multiple scattering method. The emission angle of the photoelectrons θ was kept constant and equal to 35°. The photon energy was varied from 20 eV to 27 eV. The self-consistent potential used in the calculations was generated by the scalar-relativistic LMTO method. A modified image potential for the surface barrier potential was applied. The photoemission spectra show a strong surface state peak at an energy of about 1 eV below the Fermi level.
doi:10.12693/aphyspola.82.337 fatcat:vrq4r4q42jefxjp4gnwxovqyfe