Effectiveness of Trainings imparted by a Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in Tamil Nadu

P Tamil Selvi, P Balasubramaniam
2019 Journal of Extension Education  
In an agricultural country like India, training of farmers is a laborious task and requires a heavy investment in training infrastructure to reach most of the farmers on a regular basis. Trainings are conducted in Krishi Vigyan Kendras(KVKs) at various levels for which the programmes are designed based on the farmers problems their needs and interests. Altogether, 300 respondents were selected for the study through random sampling method to assess the effectiveness of trainings imparted by a
more » ... shi Vigyan Kendra (KVK). Majority of the trainees were having medium level of adoption of recommended technologies followed by low level and high levels of adoption of recommended crop cultivation practices in major crops.
doi:10.26725/jee.2019.1.31.6223-6229 fatcat:j7xarfi2wbcmfncyk2avbjbetu