Optimization Control of SBR Wastewater Treatment Process Based on Pattern Recognition

Liping Fan, Ying Xie
2011 Procedia Environmental Sciences  
Water environment pollution has become a major environmental problem recently. It is an urgent task for mankind to improve the wastewater treatment efficiency. Using optimization control technology to wastewater treatment processes can help to reduce the operating cost, increase treatment rate, and therefore improve water environment quality. Pattern recognition is used in this paper to control the process of biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal in SBR. In this way the duration of each
more » ... ction phase is limited to the time exactly necessary for the actual loading conditions. Simulation results show that the cycle of wastewater treatment process can be significantly shortened while the effluent can comply with the integrated wastewater discharge standard. As a result, the process operation is more efficient and the energy consumption is reduced.
doi:10.1016/j.proenv.2011.09.005 fatcat:r5h67w6ttvaz5da3hmihfbm3im