1878 The Lancet  
935 manifested themselves, the patient was kept up with wine, brandy, and champagne, repeated as frequently as the irritable state of the stomach would permit. On examining the abdominal wound, the upper portion was found to have been slightly opened, having been occasioned by the violent retching and vomiting. It was at once closed with sutures, &c. She died from exhaustion on the thirteenth day. A post-mortem examination could not be obtained. CASE 2. -M. J-, aged twenty-three, unmarried, oj
more » ... ather short stature, slender, fair complexion, auburn hair, and sanguine temperament. Father living ; mother died at the age of thirty-three from consumption. Has two broth en living, aged respectively eighteen and twenty, and one sistel
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(02)44034-2 fatcat:qreewa7dpzfnjamm7iyv6u6jfy