A new infinite class of Sasaki-Einstein manifolds

Jerome P. Gauntlett, Dario Martelli, James Sparks, Daniel Waldram
2004 Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics  
We show that for every positive curvature Kähler-Einstein manifold in dimension 2n there is a countably infinite class of associated Sasaki-Einstein manifolds X 2n+3 in dimension 2n + 3. When n = 1 we recover a recently discovered family of supersymmetric AdS 5 × X 5 solutions of type IIB string theory, while when n = 2 we obtain new supersymmetric AdS 4 ×X 7 solutions of D = 11 supergravity. Both are expected to provide new supergravity duals of superconformal field theories.
doi:10.4310/atmp.2004.v8.n6.a3 fatcat:mbn6mywkindrdkr5h57xvtvkey