Modeling Of Carbon Deposit From Methane Gas On Zeolite Y Catalyst Activity In A Packed Bed Reactor

Ibrahim Ibrahim
2013 IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry  
The purpose of this research work is to study the effects of carbon deposit from methane gas on Zeolite Y catalyst activity in a packed bed reactor. Compuational fluid dynamic model was carried with the aid of chosen geometry, governing equation, properties of the fluid and time step. Result shows that increase in time from 0 to 1000s yielded an increase in the formation of hydrogen from 0 to 42mol/dm 3 , increased carbon from 0 to 21mol/dm 3 , and decreased methane concentration from 50 to
more » ... l/dm 3 . It shows that methane decomposition is taking place. the carbon deposition on catalyst is faster from time 0 to 400 s and above 500 s carbon deposition is lower. This shows that the variation of catalyst activity dropped on carbon deposition. The concentration of carbon and hydrogen formed is less when catalyst deactivation is taking place compared to when catalyst deactivation is not taking place.
doi:10.9790/5736-0421931 fatcat:r5qg4geeg5e7npowifx2sbdanu