The Role of Housing Assets in Shaping the New Welfare Regime in Transition Countries: The Case of Hungary

József Hegedüs, Hanna Szemző
2015 Critical Housing Analysis  
This paper looks at housing strategy in a wider social and economic context and argues that a household's (class) position in society depends on important life decisions, one of the most important of which is a person's employment strategy and preparation for the period of retirement (pensions), which is related to housing decisions. The main context of these decisions is the welfare regime, but also a country's economic structure (varieties of capitalism) and housing system (tax and subsidy
more » ... ments of programmes). However, as the paper argues, these systems are also changing in relation to the macro effect of individual decisions.
doi:10.13060/23362839.2015.2.1.179 fatcat:mbk3yqkrh5bp7boxkwqvygybb4