Cross-Docking Operations for Supply Chain Logistics in JIT Production and Distribution Systems

Gyan Bahadur Thapa, Tanka Nath Dhamala, Shankar Raj Pant
2011 Journal of the Institute of Engineering  
The multi-level production problem is one of the challenging research areas in supply chain management. We present brief literature review and mathematical models of multi-level just-in-time sequencing problem with a view of cross-docking approach for supply chain logistics. Describing cross-docking operations, we propose a mathematical model for the cross-docking supply chain logistics problem to minimize the operation time as truck sequencing problem. We establish a proposition as the synthesis of the production and logistics.
doi:10.3126/jie.v8i1-2.5114 fatcat:f5ekbgsujjbyhin6z33cfxvky4