AB1173 Correlation between trabecular bone score (TBS) and naifold videocapillaroscopy in systemic sclerosispatients

A. Casabella, B. Ruaro, S. Paolino, C. Pizzorni, E. Alessandri, C. Seriolo, D. Fasciolo, G. Botticella, L. Molfetta, P. Odetti, B. Seriolo, M. Cutolo
2018 Diagnostics and imaging procedures   unpublished
had radiographic damage. The median of IFX treatment duration was 9 years. There were no significant differences between the GS, CD and GLOESS scores at IFX peak time and trough time. US-joint count, GS, CD and GLOESS scores did not significantly differ between peak time and trough time. Patients with longlasting RA treated with IFX had relatively stable US-detected synovitis and slightly lower clinical scores at 4 weeks after IFX administration as compared to baseline. The DAS28CRP, 28 and 44
more » ... wollen joint counts did not correlate with trough serum IFX concentrations. US scores (GS and GLOESS) significantly correlate with trough serum IFX concentrations (Spearman correlation coefficient, r=À0.55, p=0.01, n=20). Patients with low trough IFX levels, especially £1 mg/ml, had higher US joint count as well as US scores (p<0.01).
doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2018-eular.5461 fatcat:rhuefecvmzhf5mv7znlpcy2gyq