Emerging neuromorphic computing architectures & enabling hardware for cognitive information processing applications

Robinson E. Pino, Gerard Genello, Morgan Bishop, Michael J. Moore, Richard Linderman
2010 2010 2nd International Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing  
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more » ... (0704-0188) Washington, DC 20503. ABSTRACT The highly cross-disciplinary emerging field of neuromorphic computing architectures for cognitive information processing applications requires knowledge within many research fields: computer architecture, neuroscience, cognitive psychology, cognitive modeling, dynamical systems, belief systems, software, computer engineering, etc. In our effort to develop cognitive systems atop a neuromorphic computing architecture, we explored the issues associated with mapping computing strategies such as the Brain Statein-a-Box and Confabulation within a Cell-BE powered 54 TeraFlops high performance computer Linux cluster. In this work, we seek to understand the underlying mechanisms for emulating neuromorphic-based cognitive process and their computational scaling properties towards human-like cognition and perception.
doi:10.1109/cip.2010.5604236 dblp:conf/cogip/PinoGBML10 fatcat:zklmyy6rbzf7npnup254weehwm