Augmenting memory for student learning: Designing a context-aware capture system for biology education

Deborah Barreau, Abe Crystal, Jane Greenberg, Anuj Sharma, Michael Conway, John Oberlin, Michael Shoffner, Stephen Seiberling
2007 Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology  
The Memex Metadata for Student Portfolios (M 2 ) project is using mobile technology to augment student memory and improve student learning. We have constructed a student-targeted Context Awareness Framework (CAF) and we are developing a metadata scheme that integrates the CAF with a variety of mobile technologies. In particular, we are exploring the use of Microsoft SenseCams, which capture images and sensory data approximately every 90 seconds and can extend student memory, enabling for an
more » ... ched learning experience for undergraduate biology students. We are exploring the use of SenseCams along with other mobile devices (e.g., a GIS and Tablet PC) for biology students conducting scientific field work such as specimen identification. The development of our CAF and metadata scheme also support the development of e-portfolios that can extend student memory and maintain useful records of educational activities. This paper presents research and development activities underlying the M 2 project, including research methods, evaluation activities, and next steps.
doi:10.1002/meet.14504301251 fatcat:lcd2fxohrrgovpnw7mu6cdoeci