On Uncoordinated File Distribution with Non-altruistic Downloaders [chapter]

Ilkka Norros, Balakrishna Prabhu, Hannu Reittu
Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We consider a BitTorrent-like file sharing system, where the peers interested in downloading a large file join an overlay network. The seed node possessing the file stays in the system, whereas all other peers are non-altruistic in the sense that they leave the system as soon as they have downloaded the whole file. We consider a flash crowd scenario, where the peers join the overlay simultaneously. We show that the chunk selection algorithm is critical, propose an analytic approach to the
more » ... s, and find that the encounters can be restricted to neighbours in a Chord overlay without losing much in performance.
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-72990-7_54 dblp:conf/teletraffic/NorrosPR07 fatcat:ljgbd6tjxbhyfpeyr2dlr2hulq