A Novel Nonlinear Dynamics P2P Network Worm Propagation and Immune Model

Xiaoyang Liu, Jiaomiao Liu
2019 IET Information Security  
This study proposes a novel non-linear dynamic worm propagation model in order to describe the dynamics model of conditional triggered worm's propagation in the network, then proposes an immune dynamics model. First, the authors build impact factor according to actual condition; second, the conditions trigger type worm propagation model is established and the corresponding immune model is constructed; third, the epidemic is deduced non-toxic balance and do not sufficient conditions for the
more » ... of worm is proved based on the theory of worm propagation model, and then the conditions of the worm will not overflow sufficient is proved through simulation experiments; finally, according to the simulation analysis and the characteristics of worm propagation, a series of control strategies are proposed, as well as the changing trend of worms in the network with immune ability. A series of simulation results show that the proposed models are reasonable and effective, it can more accurately reflect the worm propagation process in the real peer-to-peer (P2P) network, which can also accurately predict the worm propagation trend in P2P network.
doi:10.1049/iet-ifs.2019.0262 fatcat:245hwb53i5aw3nn75gj6mn2srm