
Anand K S S, Ravi G N, Narasimhaswamy K N
2016 Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences  
BACKGROUND Allergic rhinitis is a very common disease with immense social impact. It is characterised by paroxysms of sneezing, rhinorrhoea, nasal obstruction and itching of the eyes, nose and palate. It is also frequently associated with altered pulmonary function. Present study intends to study changes in pulmonary function in patients of allergic rhinitis. AIM The present study was done to evaluate changes in pulmonary functions in patients of allergic rhinitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS 30
more » ... nts of allergic rhinitis who met the inclusion criteria formed the study group, while age sex-matched 30 individuals formed control group. On both groups, after taking informed consent pulmonary function test was performed. Data was tabulated and analysed for statistical significance by Mann-Whitney U test and student's 't' test. SETTINGS AND DESIGN The present study was a comparative study consisting of 60 (30 cases and 30 controls) in the age group of 18-45 years age. RESULTS The p value of MVV was found to be highly significant indicating marked diminution of MVV in study group as compared to the control. The p value of FEV1 was observed to be mildly significant showing mild decrease in FEV1 in study group. The p value of FEV 1% was of very high significance indicating a marked decrease in FEV 1% in the study group. The p value of PEFR is highly significant showing marked diminution of PEFR in the study group. CONCLUSIONS Change in pulmonary functions was measured using PFT in patients of allergic rhinitis of Sullia. It was observed that PFT parameters like FEV1, FEV 1%, PEFR, MVV showed a definite and significant decrease in patients as compared to controls.
doi:10.14260/jemds/2016/1323 fatcat:kjcgts6pozcsfbp2l6r2qrxwna