Task-based memory systems in contextual-cueing of visual search and explicit recognition

Thomas Geyer, Pardis Rostami, Lisa Sogerer, Bernhard Schlagbauer, Hermann J. Müller
2020 Scientific Reports  
Visual search is facilitated when observers encounter targets in repeated display arrangements. This 'contextual-cueing' (CC) effect is attributed to incidental learning of spatial distractor-target relations. Prior work has typically used only one recognition measure (administered after the search task) to establish whether CC is based on implicit or explicit memory of repeated displays, with the outcome depending on the diagnostic accuracy of the test. The present study compared two explicit
more » ... emory tests to tackle this issue: yes/no recognition of a given search display as repeated versus generation of the quadrant in which the target (which was replaced by a distractor) had been located during the search task, thus closely matching the processes involved in performing the search. While repeated displays elicited a CC effect in the search task, both tests revealed above-chance knowledge of repeated displays, though explicit-memory accuracy and its correlation with contextual facilitation in the search task were more pronounced for the generation task. These findings argue in favor of a one-system, explicit-memory account of CC. Further, they demonstrate the superiority of the generation task for revealing the explicitness of CC, likely because both the search and the memory task involve overlapping processes (in line with 'transfer-appropriate processing').
doi:10.1038/s41598-020-71632-4 pmid:33020507 pmcid:PMC7536208 fatcat:et2ntzif55f3rbdpa6vephseaq