Ukuran Penyebaran Data pada Penjualan Smartphone Tahun 2019-2020 [post]

Samuel Gibson Devonius, R.Arie Trihartanto, Theresia Meri Tarigan
2021 unpublished
The size of the spread is a measure that states how far the actual observed value deviates from or differs from the central value. The data distribution measure also serves to determine whether the value is truly representative or not, and the process of comparing the variability of the data. If a data group has an unequaldistribution of the average value, it is said that the mean value is not representative. The average deviation of the absolute value of the deviation of each observed value
more » ... m the average divided by the number of observations. There are also 2 types of average deviation, namely Single Data and Group Data. The range is used for all differences between the maximum and minimum values, all of which are contained in the data. Deviation is the numbers divided by the number of numbers or the root of the average of the squared deviations.
doi:10.31219/ fatcat:puifh2u4mbe6dk5nm66kzhoh4y