Criterial models of the stem separation process when harvesting rice

V.N. Primak, Yu.A. Tsarev, A.Yu. Popov, S. Bratan
2019 E3S Web of Conferences  
The problem of determining the influence of several major environmental factors on the value of grain losses during rice stem separation by a vibratory grain divider is considered. It makes it possible to establish the grain loss dependences upon varying the divider's parameters obtained for polynomial and criterial models, as well as enables to confirm the advantage and feasibility of using a vibratory grain divider on windrowers for rice harvesting. The criterion equations of the stem
more » ... on process by a vibratory grain divider are developed and the dependences of the change in the loss values behind the divider when cutting upright and lodged rice are obtained. They confirm the results of statistical studies, but to a greater extent illustrate information about the stem separation process. For this research, a classical theory of similarity and modeling was used, which made it possible to develop a model construction method taking into account physical and mechanical properties of plants when they are cut with windrowers on upright and lodged agricultural backgrounds with losses in the divider zone and under the windrow in the harvest field.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/201912600009 fatcat:vlvihvm6lferxlsi6k674v4dhm