Environmental Pollution and Oxidative Stress in Fish [chapter]

Oksana B., Volodymyr I.
2012 Oxidative Stress - Environmental Induction and Dietary Antioxidants  
Oxidative Stress -Environmental Induction and Dietary Antioxidants 132 The practical use of oxidative stress markers in fish is also connected to significant difficulties, because of their considerable seasonal variation. Moreover, animals can adapt to low pollution conditions and, under these circumstances, seasonal factors might affect biomarker responses to a greater extent than pollution variations. Therefore, with the aim to standardize the results and avoid the effect of adaptation to
more » ... nically polluted environment, caged organisms, including fish are used for biomonitoring. However, for fish, the responses of caged specimens are studied sparsely. This chapter summarizes current knowledge on oxidative stress responses of fish in field conditions and their potential for environmental toxicology studies and biomonitoring. www.intechopen.com Environmental Pollution and Oxidative Stress in Fish 133 dredging indicated that fish were chronically affected by pollutants compared to those in a reference area. However, the results during the dredging activities clearly show that fish were even more affected by remobilized pollutants. The second example illustrates the composition of three aquatic bodies in generally low industrially disturbed area in Western Ukraine during three seasons. However, spontaneous pollution together with the use of collapse of water purification systems constitutes further pressures for the aquatic environment.
doi:10.5772/38094 fatcat:pnbo5z3r6rgqhpraaobihvom4q