A one-pot procedure for the synthesis of novel pyran-fused dicyanoanilines via a triethylamine/aqueous mediated pseudo four-component reaction

M. Saeed Abaee, Soodabeh Forghani, Mohammad M. Mojtahedi, Atefeh Hadizadeh
2017 ARKIVOC  
A facile pseudo four-component process was developed for the synthesis of dicyanoaniline derivatives fused to pyran ring. Reactions took place in the presence of triethylamine via a one-pot combination of pyran-4-one 1 with various aldehydes and two equivalents of malononitrile in water. Thus, novel products 4 were obtained in high yields after 5-7 h mixing at 40 °C . After completion of the reactions, products solidified in the mixture spontaneously. This allowed an easy separation of the
more » ... cts and avoided costly chromatographic purifications.
doi:10.24820/ark.5550190.p009.667 fatcat:klnnzidn2fg3bieipwrodrjbfa