Locomotive for Inclined Planes

1848 Scientific American  
LocomotIve :for Incllned Planes. We have see n a sketch of an im p rove d Lo comotive fo r ascending il1clined planes, t h e invention of Mr. S. A. Bean]sley, of New York State , whIch promises !o be of much u til i ty . The novelty consists in the ap plic ation to the rails of l e v e r s , worked by the c;anks of the driyi og wheels. We shall not n o w enter in to a fu rther acco un t oj the i n v e nt i o r. as we e x pec t soon to publish an engraving of th e same, -v ith a full
more » ... New Grates Cor Stoves. Mr. Rose /I'ell Hilson, of Halfm o on , N. Y., has i nven ted a sin gular grate for stoves which he has r ec e ntly p atented . It c onsists in th e construction and al'l'angement of an Archimi· de an scre w , grad ually c on tracti n g it ar d pIa· cmg it so as to recei v e air at e ach revolution for the p ur p ose of r e nder in g the col u m n elas tic. Another Grate Furnace. The ab ove lead s us to notice the s p h er i c al Grate and t h e Hot Air Furnace, recently pa ten ted by MI'. Robert Wilson, of Albany, N.
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican07291848-356 fatcat:blaeytt3irggvmsrcmoyjjhbuy