A South African perspective on factors that impact on the adoption and meaningful use of health information technologies

N Mostert-Phipps, D Pottas, M Korpela
2013 South African Family Practice  
relies on paper-based information management systems, especially in the context of medical record management. 11, 12 ne of the strategies which has been proposed by numerous authors to improve the quality of medical records and the exchange of information between various healthcare providers is the use of electronic records, as opposed to paper-based records. 13 The purpose of this study was to identify factors that should be addressed to encourage the adoption and meaningful use of HITs in the
more » ... South African healthcare setting. Method A three-round Delphi study was employed to detect factors that should be addressed to encourage the acceptance and significant use of HITs. 5] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] The researchers also considered three rounds to be sufficient to satisfy the purposes of the Delphi study. The study was completed within a four-month period in 2011. The study was approved
doi:10.1080/20786204.2013.10874415 fatcat:2jgc2jm2lbe37gmquyn7pqj5ea