A case study on REST-style architecture for cyber-physical systems: Restful smart gateway

Qiang Li, Weijun Qin, Bing Han, Ruicong Wang, Limin Sun
2011 Computer Science and Information Systems  
Due to several key factors, Cyber-physical systems (CPS) pose great challenges in software system design, which are dynamic composition, heterogeneous, adaptation and uncertain in environmental factors. In this paper we present our research on the development of REST-style architecture for CPS. We propose a path towards solving requirements of CPS architecture through Restful principles. By using this architectural style, we have built a prototyping system called the restful smart gateway,
more » ... seamlessly integrates conceptual and physical resources into the Web and scale better. Some experiments on the smart gateway are given to illustrate its performance. above-mentioned challenges designing CPS, one system design solution will not meet the requirements. Rather, what we need is a basic system software architecture [3] upon which services can easily be designed, deployed and composed on demand by individual applications, in a manner that satisfies specific safety, security, reliability, efficiency and predictability requirements, while still remaining within the bounds of given hardware capabilities. In this paper we propose to use REST-Style architecture [4] as design principles, to guide developing of CPS. The Representational State Transfer (REST) style provides a set of architectural constraints that emphasizes scalability of component interactions, generality of interfaces, independent deployment of components, and intermediary components to reduce interaction latency, enforce security, and encapsulate legacy systems. As demonstrated by the success of the Web (using REST-style architecture guide), loosely coupled approaches possess high scalability and robustnesswhich are fundamental properties for building a worldwide network of devices. Furthermore, the real value of such applications comes from the sharing and integration of data among heterogeneous devices. Based on these considerations, our proposal is about CPS designing and developing under the guiding of REST-Style architecture, which seems to be the primary choice of system design is to ensure reliable, safe, efficient and predictable behavior of the applications. The contribution of this paper is given as follows. On one hand it proposes to use REST-Style architecture as the basis for systems developing that meet the requirements for CPS architecture. On the other hand it proposes a case study of the smart gateway, which is lightweight, scalability and extensible software components that enable Web-based interactions with all kinds of embedded devices. For CPS, the role of smart gateways simplifies greatly the process to export data and functionality of the physical devices to be provided to end users on the web. Using our prototype system to illustrate that REST-Style architecture is suitable for CPS. In this paper, we present REST-Style architecture as an approach to design and developing CPS. In section 2, we present a survey of related works. In section 3, we extracted from the existing work the requirements for CPS and described the main characteristic of REST-Style architecture. In section 4, we present the implementation of prototype system, while Section 5 deals with a performance evaluation of the whole infrastructure. Finally, Section 6 discusses future work and concludes the paper. Related Work Lee [1] examines the challenges in designing CPS by considering whether current computing and networking technologies can support CPS design. The CPS Steering Group [2] present a complete description of issues related to CPS. In the work [3], Raj et al. further elaborate a multitude of technical challenges about the design, construction and verification of CPS, which
doi:10.2298/csis110310062l fatcat:jbioreyap5cwzdiqklajxrqhaq