Influencia del niobio en la respuesta no lineal de ceramicas de PZT ricas en circonio
Influence of niobium in the non lineal response of zirconium rich PZT ceramics

J. De Frutos, F. J. Jiménez, A. M. González, M. C. Duro, E. Menéndez
2006 Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio  
In this work a complete piezoelectric and electromechanical characterisation of zirconium rich Nb 2 O 5 doped PZT ceramics obtained by means of new techniques is presented. The objective is to establish the correlation existing between the microscopic structure of these ceramic materials, the small variations in the cationic compositions and the differences in the response of the materials depending on their compositions.
doi:10.3989/cyv.2006.v45.i3.304 fatcat:3tgrixyz3nfh3lnl7qi5zjkgly