Unified Multiobjective Optimization Scheme for Aeroassisted Vehicle Trajectory Planning

Runqi Chai, Al Savvaris, Antonios Tsourdos, Senchun Chai, Yuanqing Xia
2018 Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics  
In this work, a multi-objective aeroassisted trajectory optimization problem with mission priority constraints is constructed and studied. To effectively embed the priority requirements into the optimization model, a specific transformation technique is applied and the original problem is then transcribed to a single-objective formulation. The resulting single objective programming model is solved via an evolutionary optimization algorithm. Such a design is unlike most traditional approaches,
more » ... ere the nondominated sorting procedure is required to be performed to rank all the objectives. Moreover, in order to enhance the local search ability of the optimization process, a hybrid gradient-based operator is introduced. Simulation results indicate that the proposed design can produce feasible and high-quality flight trajectories. Comparative simulations with other typical methods were also performed and the results show that the proposed approach can achieve a better performance in terms of satisfying the pre-specified priority requirements. a Ph.D. Student, School of Aerospace Transport and Manufacturing, r.chai@cranfield.ac.uk, Student Member AIAA. b Reader, School of Aerospace Transport and Manufacturing, a.savvaris@cranfield.ac.uk, Senior Member AIAA.
doi:10.2514/1.g003189 fatcat:x4xmqfjn55g5tmhq2k5xyc4opu