Information Enhancement for Travelogues via a Hybrid Clustering Model

Lu Zhang, Jingsong Xu, Jian Zhang, Yongshun Gong
2018 2018 Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA)  
Travelogues consist of textual information shared by tourists through web forums or other social media which often lack illustrations (images). In image sharing websites like Flicker, users can post images with rich textual information: 'title', 'tag' and 'description'. The topics of travelogues usually revolve around beautiful sceneries. Corresponding landscape images recommended to these travelogues can enhance the vividness of reading. However, it is difficult to fuse such information
more » ... the text attached to each image has diverse meanings/views. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised Hybrid Multiple Kernel K-means (HMKKM) model to link images and travelogues through multiple views. Multi-view matrices are built to reveal the correlations between several respects. For further improving the performance, we add a regularisation based on textual similarity. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, a dataset is constructed from TripAdvisor and Flicker to find the related images for each travelogue. Experiment results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model by comparison with other baselines.
doi:10.1109/dicta.2018.8615849 dblp:conf/dicta/ZhangXZG18 fatcat:g7aqg5xbefckvh4exshl3jgcei