2017 International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering and Research  
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is one member in the family of Automatic Identification and Data Capture(ADIC) technologies and it is fast and reliable means of identifying objects.The two main components in the interrogator(RFID scanner)which transmits and receives the signal and the transponder(tag) that is attached to the object.The RFID tag is composed of a miniscule microchip and antenna.This paper proffers an application in order to expedite easy and innate way to find the medicine
more » ... or visually impaired and take it according to their doctor's prescription. The RFID tag is placed on the patient's tablet and the reader reads the ID tag which has been already uploaded in the user's PC, compares with the name of the identified and the medicine is taken to the time.
doi:10.23883/ijrter.conf.20170331.037.ng7ei fatcat:n6dqwm2igvgivigljk6d6x5koe