The substantia nigra of the human brain

P. Damier, E. C. Hirsch, Y. Agid, A. M. Graybiel
1999 Brain  
To achieve accuracy in studying the patterns of loss of midbrain dopamine-containing neurons in Parkinson's disease, we used compartmental patterns of calbindin D 28K immunostaining to subdivide the substantia nigra with landmarks independent of the degenerative process. Within the substantia nigra pars compacta, we identified dopamine-containing neurons in the calbindin-rich regions ('matrix') and in five calbindin-poor pockets ('nigrosomes') defined by analysis of the threedimensional
more » ... formed by the calbindin-poor zones. These zones were recognizable in all of the brains, despite severe loss of dopamine-containing neurons. The degree of loss of dopamine-containing neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta was related to the duration of the disease, and the cell loss followed a strict order. The degree of neuronal loss was significantly higher in the nigrosomes than in the
doi:10.1093/brain/122.8.1437 pmid:10430830 fatcat:fuuhbv462ffjlbg2yqx6odsfuq