Consumption of canid meat at the Gravettian Předmostí site, the Czech Republic

Mietje Germonpré, Martina Lázničková-Galetová, Elodie-Laure Jimenez, Robert Losey, Mikhail Sablin, Hervé Bocherens, Martine Van Den Broeck
2017 Fossil Imprint  
Předmostí is one of the most famous Gravettian sites in Central Europe. Its fame is based on a unique human assemblage, sadly largely destroyed during the Second World War, a huge mammoth assemblage and a very rich large canid assemblage. It has been shown previously that mammoth played an important role in the subsistence practices of the Gravettian inhabitants of Předmostí. Detailed analyses of the large canid postcranial material were carried out to investigate whether these canid remains
more » ... be assigned to different size groups and whether these remains show evidence of being butchered and consumed by humans. Based on defleshing marks and impact traces on the long bones, it is proposed here that large canids were consumed by the Gravettian inhabitants of Předmostí, thus further elucidating the specific human-large canid relationships that existed during the Upper Palaeolithic.
doi:10.2478/if-2017-0020 fatcat:fudjcefdnng4pi2wjpalcay77m