Температурная зависимость чувствительности кремниевых фотоумножителей в режиме пофотонной регистрации ультрафиолетового излучения

А.А. Богданов, Ю.В. Тубольцев, Ю.В. Чичагов, Е.Е. Холупенко, А.М. Красильщиков
2021 Журнал технической физики  
In the context of the development of a new detecting camera for the Cherenkov gamma-ray telescope TAIGA-IACT, the temperature dependences of the dark count rate and the efficiency of ultraviolet photon detection of two silicon avalanche photodetectors: OnSemi / SensL MicroFJ-60035 and Hamamatsu VUV4 S13371-6050CQ-02 at a wavelength of 277 nm were experimentally investigated. It is shown that the main characteristics of these detectors correspond to those declared by the manufacturers. Front-end
more » ... readout electronics was developed and tested. Conclusions are drawn about the applicability of such detectors in the detecting cameras of Cherenkov gamma-ray telescopes.
doi:10.21883/jtf.2021.05.50695.270-20 fatcat:i3jwcinkyjbi5kkl5ufg62ywmu