A Quantitative Determination of Minimum Film Thickness in Elastohydrodynamic Circular Contacts [post]

Wassim Habchi, Philippe Vergne
2021 unpublished
The current work presents a quantitative approach for the prediction of minimum film thickness in elastohydrodynamic lubricated (EHL) circular contacts. In contrast to central film thickness, minimum film thickness can be hard to accurately measure, and it is usually poorly estimated by classical analytical film thickness formulae. For this, an advanced finite-element-based numerical model is used to quantify variations of the central-to-minimum film thickness ratio with operating conditions,
more » ... der isothermal Newtonian pure-rolling conditions. An ensuing analytical expression is then derived and compared to classical film thickness formulae and to more recent similar expressions. The comparisons confirmed the inability of the former to predict the minimum film thickness, and the limitations of the latter, which tend to overestimate the ratio of central-to-minimum film thickness. The proposed approach is validated against numerical results as well as experimental data from the literature, revealing an excellent agreement with both. This framework can be used to predict minimum film thickness in circular elastohydrodynamic contacts from knowledge of central film thickness, which can be either accurately measured or rather well estimated using classical film thickness formulae.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-481507/v1 fatcat:5bz3duzfvra5dnvatrfwfxhupy