
Yoshiyuki SUZUKI, Masashi YAMAMOTO
1998 Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering (Transactions of AIJ)  
Experimental system f(〕r seismic response control is described , This system consists ofafUll −scale steel f ね me , shakers ofactive mass type and m ¢ asurement system . An carthquake response generator system using shakers is exp 童 ored to realize earthquake responses Qn tbe 血 ll ・ scaic structuro as ifit were subjected ea∫thquakes . On the basis ofthe modal Gontrol theory , an algor 曲 m to Gontrol the shakers is fermulaIed 、 Afier confirming the validity of the algorithm for generating
more » ... ake responses by simuiation analysis , this e日rIhquake response ge 鯛 eratQr system is applicd into vibration tests ofthe 血ll − scale struoture . Observed acce 且 eration responses ofthe 血ll − sca 皇 e structure in these tests are oompared with Galculated responses under Ihe earthquakes . Rcsults demonstrate the accuraoy and validity ofthe earthquake response gcnerator system . It is ernphasized that by rnaking use ofthis exper 重 mental system , Ihe Gontrol pcrfbrmanco ofseismic response control on full − scale struGtures can be exar 垣 ned like shaking tablo tests .
doi:10.3130/aijs.63.105_4 fatcat:zvrhhd6itjed7nbdrkl3pw37fe