Investigation on Ecological Parameters of Dyeing Organic Cotton Knitted Fabrics

Murugesh Babu, Selvadass
In this study, the ecological parameters of the effluent obtained from dyeing of scoured and mercerised organic cotton single jersey fabrics with textile reactive dyes adopting exhaust dyeing method was investigated. The dyes used include regular (Navacron H and FN) reactive dyes and low impact (Remazol and Levafix) reactive dyes along with inorganic salt (sodium sulphate) and biosalt (trisodium citrate). The ecological parameters include chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand
more » ... OD) and total dossolved solids (TDS). The results show that the use of the low impact reactive dyes has greater ecological advantages as it reduces the COD, BOD and TDS of the effluent considerably. Further, the use of the biosalt in the dye bath as replacement for the inorganic salt reduces the COD and TDS value significantly but will also increase the BOD of the effluent.