Efficient modeling techniques for plasmonic and photonic devices

Amgad Abdrabou, S. S. A. Obayya, H. Michinel, M.F. Costa, O. Frazao
2020 EPJ Web of Conferences  
Plasmonics plays a vital role in realizing nanophotonic devices for integrated optics due to its strong light localization into subwavelength dimensions beyond the diffraction limit. Therefore, plasmonics has a wide range of applications such as sensing, solar cells, microscopy, etc. Plasmonics modelling techniques are necessary for understanding the underlying physics of plasmonic devices. However, correct modelling of these devices is still an obstacle facing some of existing modeling
more » ... es. In this paper, we discuss the shortcomings of the existing tools for analysing plasmonic devices, highlight their main features and suggest some powerful remedies.
doi:10.1051/epjconf/202023801008 fatcat:2chy5mpccfgb7bhtktvrezne3a