Analyzing the Use of Web 2.0 for Brand Awareness and Competitive Advantage: An Empirical Study in the Malaysian Hospitability Industry

Janice Yan Xin, T. Ramayah, Pedro Soto-Acosta, Simona Popa, Teoh Ai Ping
2014 Information systems management  
In developing countries such as Malaysia, citizens primarily use the internet to keep in touch with friends/family via social networking sites. Firms have realized the potential of the social web to promote their products/services. This article develops a conceptual model, grounded in Technology-Organization-Environment theory, to assess the adoption/use of Web 2.0 for branding activities and its effect on firm performance. Hypotheses are tested using a sample of 104 Malaysian firms from the hospitality industry.
doi:10.1080/10580530.2014.890425 fatcat:yuwfjvlutvb43cg2vqebg3a7b4