Inventory Control with Generalized Expediting

Eric Logan Huggins, Tava Lennon Olsen
2010 Operations Research  
We consider a single-item, periodic review inventory control problem where discrete stochastic demand must be satisfied. When shortages occur, the unmet demand must be filled by some form of expediting. We allow a very general form for the cost structure of expediting, which might include costs associated with in-house rush production or outsourcing. We explicitly consider the case where expedited production is allowed to produce up to a positive inventory level. We also considered the case
more » ... e expedited production beyond the shortfall is not permitted; an alternate application for this model is an inventory system with general lost sales costs. For the infinite horizon discounted problem, we characterize the structure of the optimal expediting policy and show that an (s, S) policy is optimal for regular production. In certain cases, we demonstrate that it may indeed be optimal to use expedited production to build up inventory. For the special cases where the expediting cost function is concave or consists of a fixed and linear per-unit cost, we show that the optimal expediting policy is generalized (s, S) or order-up-to, respectively. An explicit heuristic for policy calculation is given; a numerical study tests the heuristic and allows us to gain insight into when expediting above zero is costeffective. We find that, while excess expediting above zero is frequently optimal (particularly when the per-unit costs are close to those of regular production), the actual cost savings from the additional expediting are minimal.
doi:10.1287/opre.1100.0820 fatcat:2tiknb5a45hufjb7ruaiv24mea