The Metaphor of the Cosmos in the Cenninrara of Bugis Community

Firman Saleh, Elysmah Elysmah
2022 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research   unpublished
This paper is the result of research that describes the form and meaning of the metaphor of the cosmos in the Cenninrara mantra of the Bugis community. The data collection technique was carried out using the field method. Interview and note-taking, starting with transliterating and translating the Cenninrara spell, classifying and describing the Cenninrara spell. Data analysis in this study used a qualitative descriptive technique that describes the form and meaning of metaphors based on
more » ... theory. The results of the study show that the data of the Bugis people's cenninrara mantra that shows the metaphor of the cosmos is matanna esso, keteng, uleng, and palaguna. According to Haley, the metaphor of the cosmos (cosmos) is a metaphor that includes cosmic objects such as the earth, sun, sky, etc., so that these words indicate a metaphor for the cosmos or words that indicate cosmic objects as outlined in the Cenninrara mantra of the Bugis society which is analogous to the same as objects that mean beautiful, shine and bright.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.220408.039 fatcat:vzbpbfdjtvdmhdlovejgumi6r4